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CRJ900 - CRJ900NG Training
China Express, China

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China Express, China

China Express Airlines (Chongqing) Flight Training Center is a subsidiary of China Express Airlines Co., Ltd. It currently have total of 4 simulators, including two A320 simulators and two CRJ900 simulators.

The new training center covers an area of 147 acres, including the flight building, flight crew building, student apartment, etc.

Type of CRJ900NG simulator training offered

New Employee Training
Initial Training of Copilot
Transition of Copilot
Initial Training of Captain
Transition of Captain
Upgrade Training
Flight Instructor Training
Recurrent Training of Flight Instructor
Flight Inspector Training
Recurrent Training and Proficiency Check
Difference Training
Recurrent Training
Emergency Survival Training
Dangerous Goods Identification and Disposal Training
Special Qualification Training

The CRJ900NG Simulator

We have two CRJ900NG simulators and they are both Level D of TRU manufactured. The first one is acquired in 2016, equipped with Rockwell Collins EP8000, MOOG MB-EP-6DOF/60/8000kg motion system, single HUD. The second one is acquired in 2018, equipped with Rockwell Collins EP8100,MOOG MB-EP-6DOF/60/8000kg motion system and single HUD. They are both GE CF34-8C5 engine type and Rockwell Collins FMS 4.2.

The simulators is operated 18 hours a day in 4-hours or 6-hours block.

When booking training with China Express Airlines

When booking training, a 30 minutes briefing and 15 minutes debriefing together with drinks and snacks such as coffee,tea, cookies and etc. are always included. On request we can also arrange private car for you during training together with buffet meals and lots of kind of drinks and snacks.

There are no documents

No. 99 Xueda Road
Longxing Town
Yubei District, Chongqing

Training Organization Authority Approvals


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Contact China Express, China

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